Genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms for allele-selective therapy in Huntington disease
Daniel O Claassen1, Jody Corey-Bloom, E Ray Dorsey, Mary Edmondson, Sandra K Kostyk, Mark S LeDoux, Ralf Reilmann, H Diana Rosas, Francis Walker, Vicki Wheelock, Nenad Svrzikapa, Kenneth A Longo, Jaya Goyal, Serena Hung, Michael A Panzara
1From Vanderbilt University Medical Center (D.O.C.), Nashville, TN; University of California San Diego (J.C.-B.), La Jolla; University of Rochester Medical Center (E.R.D.), NY; HD Reach (M.E.), Raleigh, NC; Ohio State University (S.K.K.), Columbus; University of Memphis and Veracity Neuroscience, LLC (M.S.L.), TN; George-Huntingon-Institute & Department of Clinical Radiology University of Muenster (R.R.), Department of Neurodegeneration, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen, Germany; Havard Medical School (H.D.R.), Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston; Wake Forest University School of Medicine (F.W.), Winston Salem, NC; University of California Davis Health (V.W.), Sacramento, CA; Wave Life Sciences USA, Inc. (N.S., K.A.L., J.G., S.H., M.A.P.), Cambridge, MA; and Department of Paediatrics (N.S.), Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford, UK.